Monday, December 21, 2009


This is what peace looks like at our house. May you also find peace during this season of celebration.

Merry Christmas!

(Yes, I am going to just pretend that I have been adding updates all along and not appologize for the 7 month gap in updated posts.)
Merry Christmas! Andy and I have been enjoying all the important things of Christmas: peppermint bark (homemade by Andy), Christmas cookies, waffles, peppermint cocoa, and NNU baseball fund-raiser oranges (gotta have something healthy on the list). We have also attended some great Christmas performances of our nephew Noah.
Yes, our Christmas tree is HUGE!!! Originally, we bought a living Christmas tree that we plan to plant on the property with all the other pine trees, but a live tree can only be inside for 5 days max. Andy and I were feeling very un-Christmas-y, with no tree in the house, so we caved and bought a tree. This was literally the smallest tree on the lot! I plan to decorate the living tree out on the deck and enjoy the two trees, since last year we had no tree.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Photos

Spring is a lovely time in the orchard. Here are some pictures to enjoy what we get to see every day!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Things that go bump in the night

Here is one of our "tenants" who we see on a regular basis. Andy and I have a new evening routine that involves creeping around our property at dusk whispering and searching for owls. This is one of the several Great Horned Owl sightings we have made. We know...we're nerds.